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List of Functions

This page will list the builtin functions in tables for each category (conditionals, setters, loops, etc.), with a short description beside each function.


Function NameParametersDescription
@ifCONDITIONDoes what is in its block if the condition is TRUE
@elseifCONDITIONDoes what is in its block if the condition is TRUE
@elseNothingDoes what is in its block if nothing before had been TRUE
@eCONDITION EXPRESSIONBoolean function that takes an expression, and uses expr-eval to evaluate it


Function NameParametersDescription
@repeatNUMRepeats what is in its block a number of times
@forSTART, END, STEP, VECTOR_NAMELoops from START to END, incrementing by STEP, saving in VECTOR_NAME
@forEachVECTOR, ELEMENT, INDEXLoops through VECTOR, updating ELEMENT and INDEX on each iteration


Function NameParametersDescription
@delayNUM, NUM (HOLD,WAIT) or VECTORSets the default delays, hold and wait, in one go
@holdNUM (HOLD)Sets the default hold delay
@waitNUM (WAIT)Sets the default wait delay
@cursorNUM, NUM (X,Y) or VECTORSets the cursor position
@setNAME, NUM or EXPRESSIONSets the first component of a vector
@setINDEXNAME, INDEX, NUM or EXPRESSIONSets a specified component of a vector
@setBoolNAME, BOOL or EXPRESSIONSets a switch


Function NameParametersDescription
@gotoFLAG (no brackets)Jumps to where the flag given is in MACRO section
@scrollNUMScrolls an integer amount of notches
@withKEYSHolds keys given while doing whatever is in its block
@typeNUM or STR or LOOSETypes out what is passed to it